Diferenca de 720p para 1080p
Diferenca de 720p para 1080p

As the screens are usually rectangular, the measurement is made considering the size of the diagonal. That is, a smartphone with a 5-inch screen is 12.7 centimeters (5 x 2.54). The screen size is measured by inches, each one being 2.54 centimeters. While size refers to the physical dimensions of the screen, resolution is the amount of information displayed within these size limits. When we talk about screens, we need to take into account two measures: size and resolution.

diferenca de 720p para 1080p

The more pixels, the better the display quality. They differ by the number of pixels that are displayed on the screen, that is, how many points will form the image.

diferenca de 720p para 1080p diferenca de 720p para 1080p

HD, Full HD, 2K, 4K, 8K and 10K are different screen resolutions, whether for TVs, monitors, among others.

Diferenca de 720p para 1080p